Intentional Tuesdays

Exploring Creativity

For the past three weeks, we’ve been exploring the concept of Creativity, with the following key premises…

  1. Each of us is Creative
  2. Creativity is something worth pursuing, regularly
  3. We can cultivate creativity

In case you missed the three-part video series, I’ll provide links below.  This week will conclude our creativity series with a written recap.


Are You Creative?

What is the role of creativity in your life right now?  Not sure?  Take 30 seconds to complete this self-assessment and come back here when you’re finished.  Don’t worry, you won’t have to enter your email address or offer up your credit card info.  (Feel free to leave those in the comments ) 

How did you do?  

In my experience, most adults struggle a bit when it comes to creativity.  Either they don’t think they are creative, they don’t see the value in creativity, or a combination of the two.  This is really...

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The 4 Barriers to Creativity

creativity fun Jan 21, 2020

This is final episode of our 3-part series on Creativity.In this episode we dive into the 4 Barriers to Creativity.  These are...

  • Beliefs
  • Boundaries
  • Biases
  • Busy-ness

This is also a very special episode because it is the first ever Five Day Deep Dive opportunity!  When you sign up for a deep dive you'll receive one email each day for 5 days.  Each one will include a short lesson as well as a daily engagement challenge.  The goal is to take your learning deeper and to move out of the realm of theory and into practice application.  

Click here for more information about the 5-Day Deep Dive Concept and to sign up for the Creativity Deep Dive.

Additional Reading & Resources:

If you missed the first two parts of the Creativity Series, you can watch them here:

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The Case for Creativity

creativity fun growth Jan 14, 2020

This is Part Two of a three-part series on Creativity. 

Last week we focused on defining creativity and making the case that we are all creative.  I proposed the idea that creativity is more about sourcing our ideas from within ourselves.  In other words, from a place of internal perspective rather than overly relying on outside perspectives or the influence of others. 

Creativity is more about the process than the final product.  If you missed that post, you can see it here:  Are You Creative?

This week we make the case for the benefits of bringing creativity into our lives.  The benefits are many and include the full spectrum of human motivations and drives, including:

  • Survival
  • Success
  • Significance
  • Spirituality

Next week, we'll explore how we can bring more creativity into our lives.

Interesting Articles

The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health: A Review of Current Literature, Heather L. Stuckey, DEd and Jeremy Nobel, MD, MPH


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Are You Creative?

creativity growth Jan 07, 2020

Let's start with two questions...

  1. On a scale from 1-10, how creative do you consider yourself?
  2. On a scale from 1-10, how important is creativity in your day-to-day life?

This week's Intentional Tuesday is Part One of a 3-part mini-series about creativity.  My aim is to convince you that creativity is crucial and that you are, in fact, creative.  





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Are You Hitting Your Mark?

creativity growth purpose work Jul 09, 2019
How do you measure your effectiveness and impact?  If you are like most people, you focus exclusively on the end goal.  After all, it’s all about results, right?  
But what if your focus on the end objective is actually limiting your results?  
Have you ever been bowling?  Where is your attention just as you release the ball?  Where are you aiming?  Your answer to this question will reveal your skill as a bowler.  Good bowlers don’t focus on the pins. Good bowlers focus on the aiming arrows on the floor just a few feet in front of them.  If the bowler ‘hits their mark’ there’s a good chance the ball will hit the pins in the right spot.  
Turns out, it’s easier to roll 10 feet perfectly than it is to roll 60 feet perfectly.  
Now, back to the original point.  Where is your focus in life?  Are you simply aiming for the end result and hoping to roll the...
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Book Review - Manage Your Day-to-Day


 I’m excited to add a new dimension to the weekly Life Design Center vlog…book reviews.  I’m sensing a need and I hope this will serve as a useful response.  We are faced with an ever-increasing amount of information but the amount of time and energy we have available is decreasing. I hope my bi-weekly book reviews will help tip the equation a bit more in your favor. 

With each review, I’ll try to highlight the key arguments of the book and also describe the areas of Life Design where I think the book is most applicable.  In the video portion of a book review, I’ll probably spend the time reflecting on specific applications in my life or the life of other Life Designers.

Y’all ready for this?  Let’s get on with the first review…


Title:  Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind (99U)

Length:  250 Pages, but feels much shorter.


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Protect Your Process

creativity fun growth Feb 01, 2019

 What does it take to make a change in your life?  What makes the difference between grand plans real progress?  In one word…Process. 

Significant change, requires more than simple resolve. Resolve is the first step, to be sure.  However, without a process resolve will fizzle out and you’ll be left exactly where you started.    

I recently listened to author Dan Brown’s Masterclass and he had a chapter titled, “Protecting Your Process.”  In this lesson, Dan explains that writing a novel is a long process, not something you can accomplish overnight, no matter how inspired you may be.  Writing a novel requires you to implement and stick to a process of writing, a little bit each day.  The same logic holds true for making changes to our Life Design.  

Most of us intuit this.  If we want to get in shape, one trip to the gym isn’t going to get us there.  If we want to strategically...

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