How much movement do you get on a daily basis? If you are like me, you spend a significant portion of your waking hours either hunched over a computer or sprawled out on the couch, with the only movement occurring in my fingers. This is, of course, not the way our ancient ancestors lived, nor is it a formula for physical well-being. One of the common aspects across each of the five blue zones is the incorporation of natural movement into daily life.
Of course, most of the BZ inhabitants have a significant physical component to their primary ‘work', whether it be hunting, farming, gardening, or foraging. In Ikaria, the act of physical movement is enhanced by the fact there doesn’t seem to be 10 square feet of flat terrain anywhere on the island. It’s incredibly hilly and walking those hills is a natural part of any Ikarian’s day, regardless of age. From the bottom of the hill where Thea’s Inn stands, I...