How much time do you spend thinking about violence. I’m talking about violence at a personal level. Something that involves you or your immediate family. Something close to home.
If you are like most people, the answer is ‘none’. Most of us don't like to think about violence because it makes us feel uncomfortable. I'll be exploring this anti-motivation more in the video portion. For now, let's stay on the topic of violence...
Ironically, we make decisions every single day where our own lives and the lives of our loved ones are at stake. Will the employee that I need to fire react violently? Will the neighbor snap when I approach him about his loud music and poor parking habits? How should I handle the person who refuses to accept that we’re no longer together? Will this babysitter harm my child? What about my child’s friends? Might one of them be dangerous.
Most people would rather avoid these questions than endure the discomfort of having to ask and...
I’m excited to add a new dimension to the weekly Life Design Center vlog…book reviews. I’m sensing a need and I hope this will serve as a useful response. We are faced with an ever-increasing amount of information but the amount of time and energy we have available is decreasing. I hope my bi-weekly book reviews will help tip the equation a bit more in your favor.
With each review, I’ll try to highlight the key arguments of the book and also describe the areas of Life Design where I think the book is most applicable. In the video portion of a book review, I’ll probably spend the time reflecting on specific applications in my life or the life of other Life Designers.
Y’all ready for this? Let’s get on with the first review…
Title: Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind (99U)
Length: 250 Pages, but feels much shorter.
50% Complete
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