Why You Need a Manifesto
You need to write a manifesto. In the next 250 words I want to convince you that you can, and should, write your personal manifesto.
I know, I know. Manifestos get a bad rap. Following in the footsteps of Karl Marx and Ted Kaczynski isn’t high on anyone’s list. But let me ask you this…who among us doesn’t feel just a little bit crazy?
Another knock on manifestos is they always seem to be really, really long. Hell, even Jerry Maguire’s, The Things We Think and Do Not Say, was 25 pages long. Who’s got that kind of time? Nobody. That’s why I’m proposing a much shorter structure. Exactly seven sentences. They don’t even need to be complete sentences or grammatically correct either. Boom.
Ok, but who wants all that attention? Does anyone really care what I have to say anyway? I don’t have anything worth sharing with the world...I hear you.
But you’re getting ahead of yourself. Your manifesto isn’t for everyone else. At least not initially. In the early stages, the manifesto is about the writer. It’s about you. It’s about clarifying what you believe. What you think matters. What you stand for.
Manifestos are meant to provoke. To inspire. To motivate.
Just look again at the title of Jerry’s. The Things We Think and Do Not Say. Can you feel the tension? Can you feel what’s at stake here?
How authentic are you feeling these days?
Your manifesto isn’t about convincing the world that you have the answers. Your manifesto is about reminding yourself of who you are. Of who you want to be. It’s about closing the gap between your current self and your best self.
That's it. 250 words, with one to spare. How’d I do?
If you are game for writing your seven sentence manifesto and would like some additional thoughts on how I went about writing mine, you can
download this tip sheet. I’ll also include my seven sentence manifesto, in its current form.
If you'd be willing to share, I'd love to see what you come up with! Email it to
[email protected] and I'd be honored to read your manifesto.
In the video portion of the I’m going to discuss some ways to supercharge your manifesto for maximum potency and impact.