
Talk To Your Highest Self

growth Jun 04, 2019
I once heard the definition of Hell is meeting the version of yourself that you could have been, had you lived up to your full potential.  Can you imagine, having all of your bad decisions and missed opportunities right there, staring you in the face?  How depressing would that be?  
What if you could meet that version of yourself now?  Before it’s too late to do anything about it.  Maybe you can.  
This version of you has a name.  The Greeks called it Daimon.  It turns out you’ve met your Daimon.  For sure you've heard her voice.  It probably came in the form of a whisper.  A whisper of potential and possibility, almost imperceptible, yet there.    
When does your Daimon usually weigh in?  Here are a few of the more common situations where you'll hear Daimon’s voice:
  • When choosing between doing what is easy and doing what is right.
  • When deciding to forgo short-term pleasures in favor of long-term benefits.
  • When acting in a manner that is totally authentic even though you fear it may not be what other people want from you.
  • When acting in a way that benefits someone else more than it benefits you.
  • When you feel pulled to make a bigger contribution or to do something significant with your life.  
  • When leading by example.
  • When you put yourself out there, for the world to judge.
  • When you stretch yourself in order to grow and develop as a person.
  • When acting from your core values.
  • When choosing to do something that is hard, even though you could do something that that is easy instead.
  • When working to break an unhealthy or unwholesome habit.
  • When you act from the heart.  
  • When choosing to live by design instead of by default.  
Your Daimon advocates for you to become the best version of you.  The best version of you doesn’t mean the version of you with the fanciest title, coolest car, hottest spouse, or biggest bank account.  The Daimon doesn’t represent the most successful version of you because success, as well as all those other things, are heavily influenced by factors beyond your control.  Your Daimon represents the BEST version of you.
Who gets to judge what is best?  For now, you do.  You know when you’re listening to your Daimon and you know when you’re ignoring her advice.  You know it better than anyone else.  
What is your Daimon telling you?
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