
Superpowered Teams

superpower May 11, 2020

There’s no question that superpower design is an individual journey and many of the benefits of doing your superpower design work are realized at the individual level.  You’ve likely heard me talk about these benefits already.  Better results.  Better relationships.  More impact.  And an increased feeling of authenticity. 

But the real potential of the superpower concept, in my opinion, comes when it’s applied to the organization level.  In the book, this is what I call … the Final Frontier.  I use a quote from basketball coach Phil Jackson … the strength of the team is each individual member and the strength of each individual member is the team. 

Imagine being on a team where everyone not only knew your superpower, but also had a deep appreciation for it.  Imagine if they knew the best ways to get the best from you.  Imagine if your boss knew this.  How much more effective could you be?  What would this do for your own confidence in your contribution and value to the team? 

Now imagine if you knew everyone else’s superpower. How would that change the way that you interact with the other members of your team?  How would it change the way that work gets done within the team?  Within the organization?  

The same benefits of doing your superpower design work that are available to the individual are also available to the team and the organization … only they increase tenfold.  Better results.  Better Relationships.  Better communication.  Increased trust.  Increased sense of cohesion.  Increased sense of ownership.  Deeper levels of engagement.  Better results.  More impact. 

These are the benefits of Superpowered Teams. 

If you want to superpower your team or your organization, this is the time.  For the next few days, you can get the eBook version of superpower 5.0 for just 99 cents.  Amazon makes it unbelievably easy to buy them for your entire team.  

You can either enter the email addresses directly, which will have amazon notify each person, or you can have them all sent to you, and you can send out the emails personally inviting each person to discover their unique superpower.

When you purchase the book, you also get access to the Superpowered Teams Handbook, which is part of the free digital appendix.  This document, which people tell me I’m insane to be giving away for free, will guide you through the process of implementing superpower 5.0 for your team. 

If you are serious about realizing your own potential, read superpower 5.0 and do your own superpower design work.  If you are serious about helping your team or your organization realize their potential, then get superpower 5.0 for them as well. 

The 99 cent eBook price is available until May 15th at midnight.  Don’t miss the opportunity to grab it at a 500% discount. 

Here's the Amazon link.  The "Buy for Others" option is right under the Buy Now button.  


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