
A Workout for Your Soul

Uncategorized Oct 09, 2019
How healthy is your soul?  That’s the question we are going to seek to answer in today’s Intentional Tuesday.  More importantly, I’m going to suggest some ways that you can improve the overall state of your soul.  
When it comes to measuring physical health, we often talk about heart rate variability.  Generally speaking, the higher your HRV, the healthier you are.  I propose a similar approach to measuring the health of our soul.  Because we need to have a cool name for this, let’s call it the Soul State Variability.  It measures how often you activate your soul.  I’m talking about the part of you that represent your very best self.  The part of you that is above and beyond all the daily trappings of our fears and our ego.  
If daily physical exercise is the best approach to consistently improve our heart rate variability, what is the best way to improve our soul state variability?  I’m going to offer three exercises designed to target your soul.  Do at least one of these each day and you’ll see the soulful benefits in no time...
Curiosity- How often do you approach situations, particularly ones that are likely to have a triggering effect for you, with a sense of wonder?  Most of us seek to get to a place of certainty as quickly as we possibly can.  Certainty mean comfortable.  Uncertainty often means a degree of discomfort.  Curiosity means that we’re ok with the discomfort that comes with uncertainty.  In fact, we appreciate the beauty of that discomfort and we look forward to the discovery that awaits us on the other side of the fog. 
Virtuosity- I’ve discussed this concept on the blog in the past.  (You Have To Stick the Landing).  Virtuosity means doing common things uncommonly well.  When we do something, anything, with our full intention, we tap into something very powerful.  I would argue, something magical.  Whether it be something as common as mowing the lawn or folding the laundry, when we bring an uncommon level of intention to the activity, our soul stirs just a bit.  
Vulnerability - How often do you put yourself in a situation where you might be hurt or embarrassed?Most of us avoid putting ourselves into positions of vulnerability because we fear the potential consequences.  Perhaps we worry that others will perceive our vulnerability as weakness.  By an large, these are an illusion.  To allow ourselves to be vulnerable demonstrates that we trust the people and the systems around us.  Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is one of the most courageous things we can do.  Vulnerability almost always creates connection and connection is one of the building blocks of soul.  
Authenticity- How much of our time is spent being who the people around us want and expect us to be, rather than being who we know ourselves to be.  How often do we remain quiet and allow other voices in the room to shape the direction and the outcomes.  How often do we hold back rather than offering the one gift that only we can.  Our authentic perspective.  Our soul dims just a little bit every time we tamp down our authentic self.  
Generosity - It’s easy to get caught up in the moment of our lives.  It’s easy to slip into scarcity thinking, where we need to protect our precious resources.  Our soul knows the universe is abundant and inviting.  Generosity might be the highest expression of our souls.
If your goal is to exercise your soul, hit one of these five exercises each day.  
Prosperous Journey
  • I experienced a moment of personal vulnerability on Tuesday, when my computer crashed and I had to send it to Austin for repair.  Although most of my information is backed up to the cloud these days, the crash did cause a delay in publishing Intentional Tuesday and will likely mean that I can’t do a video this week.  Yes, I know you’re all disappointed!
  • On Saturday, my first book, Never Too Late:  Get Unstuck, Escape Mediocrity, and Design a Life You Love hit the market.  The launch was a tremendous success and Never Too Late hit #1 New Release status and climbed all the way to #4 on the Best Seller list.  Thank you so much to everyone who came out and supported me by purchasing the paperback or the kindle version!  If you happened to miss the launch, it’s Never Too Late to get in on the same.  (See what I did there?)  You can go to to find the Amazon links.  

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